what is ewaste?

The Growing Threat of E-Waste: Why We Need to Act Now

In today’s rapidly advancing technological era, electronic devices have become an integral part of our lives. From smartphones to laptops, we rely on these gadgets for communication, entertainment, and work. However, with every upgrade or purchase of a new device, there comes a dark side that often goes unnoticed – “e-waste.” Understanding E-Waste E-waste, or […]


While 2022 was a step forward in achieving most of our targets and impactful work, 2023 was equally a year in which we experienced significant progress as we strived to execute our commitments towards sustainable e-waste management in Northern Ghana. The team worked hard, especially this year, to project our ideas and work in the […]

The Arts With E-Waste Project

Population growth, increasing prosperity, and changing consumer habits in Ghana contribute to the increasing demand for consumer electronics. This has made Ghana a significant importer of used consumer electronics such as Televisions; DVD players; Refrigerators; Computers; Laptops; Mobile Phones and many more. The aftermath is the production of tons of electronic waste in our homes […]

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