E-waste – An obstacle to children in Northern Ghana.

On the subject of truth, e-waste has become an obstacle for children in Ghana to pursue their education.

In Northern Ghana, Tamale chunks of discarded refrigerators and television are packed and left in openings in repair stores along our street. With the sun and the rains releasing toxic chemicals into our landfill.

AppCyclers an innovative start-up managing e-waste in tamale surveyed this effect, the answer we had was that the components found in this discarded electronics device are reused in the repair of another spoiled device.

Moreover, users of this electronic device damp them at their shop due to high cost in maintaining or replacing the dysfunction component.

This and many others are the factors influencing e-waste’s chunks left on landfill sites indiscriminately.

AppCyclers it’s our topmost priority to contribute our quota in mitigating e-waste from our landfills by educating people about ewaste, using our online web-based platform to facilitate the collection of E-waste, recycle and upcycle e-waste into useful products in other to promote a greener, safer environment.

E-waste – An obstacle to children in Northern Ghana.
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