The Arts With E-Waste Project

Population growth, increasing prosperity, and changing consumer habits in Ghana contribute to the increasing demand for consumer electronics. This has made Ghana a significant importer of used consumer electronics such as Televisions; DVD players; Refrigerators; Computers; Laptops; Mobile Phones and many more.

The aftermath is the production of tons of electronic waste in our homes and environment. We believe that children at an early stage should be invested in acquiring appropriate literacy and education and skills on e-waste management and upcycling since childhood, so they can start practicing appropriate waste and resource management early in their lives.  

AppCyclers is an electronic waste management startup, which utilizes technology, data analysis, and community sensitization programs to educate, manage and ensure the proper, convenient, and environmentally friendly disposal of Electronic waste in local communities within Tamale, the Northern Region of Ghana.  


As one of the winners of the Advocacy Seed Funding Initiative (ASFI) implemented by the Youth Climate Council Ghana and with support funding from UNICEF Ghana, AppClyclers is excited to launch a new project, ARTS WITH E-WASTE; which takes a creative approach to explore the potential of electronic waste through upcycling e-waste products into reusable artifacts.


The Project ARTS WITH E-WASTE will collaborate with 4 Junior High Schools and Senior High schools within Tamale, Ghana to engage 60 students between the ages of 9-19 in a brief introductory lecture on Electronic Waste. The lecture will involve technical skills training and will cover the causes, effects, and sustainable practices/approaches to reduce the impact of E-Waste on the environment. On the practical aspects, students will use safe Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipments to create beautiful artifacts such as Key holders, Bracelets, Mirror Frames, Picture Frames, Lighting, etc as part of the upcycling process.


This project aims to foster the culture of reuse, refurbishment, and repair of electronic waste. The project also seeks to encourage a reduction in the production of electronic waste in the environment and also sensitize, build the capacity and skills of students to increase their knowledge and have a behavioral change of mindset in seeing waste as a profitable resource.

AppCyclers GOAL

We at Appcylcers believe this action (as a start) will have a significant multiplier effect in reaching a million Ghanaians by the year 2030, a positive drive towards the achievement of our GOAL.

To support this project to have a bigger impact, kindly donate $5 to the Account Name: AppCyclers, Name Of Bank: CalBank, Account number: 1400005316539, Branch: Tamale, Sort code:140801, Swift Code: ACCCCGHAC to make this a success. For strategic partnership reach out to us at or call 233549320589.

The Arts With E-Waste Project
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