AppCyclers in Collaboration with CREATE SEED Set to Organise an E-waste Collection & Repair Drive in Tamale to Commemorate International E-waste Day.

AppCyclers, a tamale-based electronic waste (e-waste) management company, is delighted to announce the second edition of the AppCyclers E-waste Awareness Campaign. This year, in partnership with CREATE SEED, a Collaborative Research and Training Experience in Sustainable Electronics and Eco-Design funding by Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), are set to organise an E-waste Collection & Repair Drive in Tamale to commemorate International E-waste Day.

Electronic waste (E-waste) management in Ghana is rapidly taking root, as the government together with development organizations puts in place policies, regulations and infrastructure on a gradual basis to help mitigate the e-waste menace. AppCyclers, in its effort to provide sustainable solutions to e-waste threats, has identified the need to contribute to the value chain. As they believe that to make all this effort possible, there is the need to reach out to the general populace, target women and students; to be educated on e-waste menace, the importance of repairing electronic appliances and recycling e-waste.

Therefore, in commemoration of the international e-waste day, AppCyclers partners with CREATE SEED to embark on a robust four-day celebration program that will be held from the 14th – 17th October 2021 with tailed activities for each day. The event is dubbed E-waste Collection & Repair Drive under the theme: Consumer is the key to Circular Economy! The activities for the campaign include:

  • A radio discussion on two major radio stations in Tamale from October 10th to 12th to discuss the purpose and significance of the program. Local challenges posed by e-waste and as well contribute practical solutions in curbing this menace.
  • A webinar will also be held on October 14th, 2021. The virtual workshop will bring together professional waste educators, entrepreneurs solving e-waste and plastic waste issues, and world-renowned icons in the waste management sector. Participants will then have the opportunity to contribute solutions in solving the e-waste menace during an idea hack breakout section. Register here
  • Community engagement in collaboration with an NGO (The Empower Female Foundation TEFF) will be organized to train women and children on how to repair and dismantle their electronic waste for safer disposal and recycling. This will be done on the 15th of October 2021.
  • On 16th October, a tree planting activity will be organized with a basic school within our network as a gesture to contribute our quota towards reducing climate change.
  • Social media outreach will be held to engage the general public on proper e-waste management and safe disposal. This campaign would be on all our social media handles as well as our communities on WhatsApp with informative content on electronic waste, circular economy practices and safe disposal of this e-waste. It promises to be educational, fun and insightful.

To support this project to have a bigger impact, kindly donate $5 to the Account Name: AppCyclers, Name Of Bank: CalBank, Account number: 1400005316539, Branch: Tamale, Sort code:140801, Swift Code: ACCCCGHAC to make this a success. For strategic partnership reach out to us at or call 233549320589.

AppCyclers in Collaboration with CREATE SEED Set to Organise an E-waste Collection & Repair Drive in Tamale to Commemorate International E-waste Day.
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